Arrival on opening day: On opening day, bring your camper to the check-in station located in the lobby of The Grove Theater/High Places Community Church at 123 Randolph Road, Oak Ridge, TN. Campers will be assigned to a team, receive a name tag, and you will have the opportunity to meet your camper’s counselor. Check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m.
Arrival on all other days: Camp begins promptly at 9:00. Please sign-in your camper at the check-in tables in the lobby no earlier than 8:45 each day. On opening day, doors will open at 8:30.
Dismissal: At the end of each day, you will sign-out your camper at the tables in the lobby. We want to ensure that each child returns home safely so please remember to sign-out. Children will not be released to anyone whose name was not included on the registration form. Please make arrangements with the camp director and your child’s counselor any day you need to arrive late or pick-up your camper early.
Camp Granada was created as a child-centered musical experience that encourages participation, stimulates creativity, and focuses on fun. This goal can only be achieved when campers and counselors work together in an environment of mutual respect. Therefore, we hold our campers accountable to certain behavioral standards. Fighting, stealing, bullying, and disrespect to camp staff or fellow campers will not be tolerated. Significant or consistent discipline problems may cause your camper to be sent home. If you are asked to pick-up your child for disciplinary reasons, the camp director will determine if and when your child may return. No refunds will be given for campers who are sent home for disciplinary reasons.
Prescription and non-prescription medications may only be administered by campers’ parents or guardians. If your camper requires medication during camp hours, please come at the appropriate time to administer the medication. Campers may bring inhalers but please do not send your camper with any other medication. In the event there is a medical emergency during camp hours, the directors will call 911 first and then notify you. Please let us know if your child is allergic to any foods, latex balloons, or other elements to which he/she may be exposed during camp.
If your child is ill: Please do not bring any child who is ill or has a related contagious ailment (lice, pink-eye, etc…). Generally, children should be fever-free for 24 hours to participate in the Camp Granada. If your child becomes ill or is injured during Camp Granada, you will receive an Incident Report to let you know what happened and how the situation was handled.
The Camper Showcase is an opportunity for campers to perform for their friends in a low-stress, no-competition environment. Campers will also enjoy musical performances by their counselors, directors and local musicians. If your child would like to perform in the camper showcase, please provide the following information on the registration form:
- Type of performance (sing a song, play an instrument, dance, show a painting, etc..)
- Title of piece/art they would like to perform/demonstrate
- What will your camper need for their showcase (piano, etc…)
We will let you know when your camper will perform so they will know to bring their materials or instruments. Instruments will be kept safe until they are needed.
*Please no karaoke-style or sing-along-with-cd performances. The Camper Showcase should be reserved for children who are involved in piano, guitar, voice, dance, or other types of lessons.
Click here for additional camp policies