Camp Granada internships are available for college music education majors and high school students who participate in band, choir, or orchestra or are considering a career in child care or teaching.
Serving on Camp Granada staff is an excellent way for music education majors to gain pre-service experience and learn several new games, songs, activities, and ideas for your teaching career. College internships may come with a small monetary compensation, however, the experience you gain will be priceless.
All high-school internships are volunteer (un-paid). Hours that you serve may be applied to volunteer or community-service requirements of Beta Club, Honor Society, or other school or church-based organizations. For graduating seniors, internship hours may also be applied to TN Promise community service requirements.
Additional information and application are provided below. If you have additional questions, contact the camp director, Mrs. Kortney Ross, at
Application Deadline for Summer 2019 is Wednesday, May 22!
Download your application here:
High School Intern Application
How will I Benefit as a Camp Granada Intern?
As an intern, you will participate in a rewarding, life-changing week of musical interaction with elementary school students. Internship positions were created so that high schoolers who may be considering careers as professional musicians, classroom or music teachers, or other child-centered professions, may gain pre-college first-hand experiences in their chosen field. Internships will also help you earn credit for most high school clubs and programs that require volunteer or community service points, and may also be applied to TN Promise requirements (graduating seniors only). As an intern, you will also be able to connect with professional musicians and music educators so that you can gain some first-hand insight into various music and education career fields.
For college Music Education majors, serving as a Camp Granada intern will provide priceless experience teaching in an environment other than the regular classroom. Camp Granada is an experience like no other and will give you countless ideas and applicable activities for your future as a music educator. You will work alongside three professional music educators with years of experience in the music classroom and will be given the opportunity to take the “lead” teaching role for some activities to gain experience and receive feedback in a non-formal manner.
When Will I Work?
Camp runs from 9am to 2pm, Monday through Friday, July 22-26, 2019. Interns are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of camp, and to stay approximately 15 minutes after camp ends.
Interns will also be asked to attend a training session on the Saturday or Sunday preceding camp.
What Will my Duties be if I am Hired?
The camp schedule is outlined below. In each session, interns will fulfill different duties.
Break Out Sessions
In the morning Break-out sessions, campers are divided into age groups and rotate through a series of small-group classes that are led by Instructors. Interns sit with campers to make sure all campers are participating, understand the lesson content, and are behaving appropriately. College-level interns will be given the opportunity to lead some instructional activities during these break-out sessions.
Afternoon Game Time
In the afternoon Game Time, campers are divided into teams that compete in p.e.-style activities that teach musical concepts. The Game Director organizes all activities while Interns help to manage equipment (set-up games while the Director explains activities to the campers), and ensure campers’ safety during play.
Team Leaders
Some interns may be assigned as team leaders. Throughout the day, team leaders will work directly with campers in a variety of capacities:
- Lunch:Sit with campers during lunch, interact with children, monitor behaviors
- Break-out Sessions:Walk small groups of campers to their next activity while Instructors set-up for the next group
- Game-Time:Coach small groups of campers who have been assigned to a team to ensure camper safety and that all campers understand the rules of the games.
Other Duties
Interns may be asked to fulfill other, administrative tasks (preparing lesson materials, help with registration, check-in or check-out, delivering materials to a classroom, etc…)
Interns are asked to participate in the full camp environment of Camp Granada, including the camp songs and other traditions of the program.
How Many Volunteer Hours Will I Earn?
Preference will be given to interns who can work the full week. Interns who work an entire week will receive 30 hours of volunteer service (5.75 hours each day plus a 1.25 hour training session). No credit will be given for hours missed due to tardiness or absences. Interns who agree to work but fail to satisfactorily fulfill all requirements will not be given credit for hours worked.
Process, Timeline, and Deadlines
There are a maximum of three college and three high-school internships available for each session. If you would like to apply for a Camp Granada Internship position:
- Complete the application below and submit the completed form as an e-mail attachment to the camp director, Mrs. Kortney Ross at All applications must be received by May 22. Incomplete applications, and applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
- Once your application is received, your references may be contacted and you may be invited to participate in a brief interview with the Camp Director.
- Final decisions will be made and announced by May 31.Successful applicants will receive an internship packet containing additional information. You will also be notified if you were not accepted as an intern for this year.
- At the end of camp, the director will be happy to fill-out any volunteer requirement paperwork that you have. You will also receive a letter stating your volunteer hours for your personal records.
For a printable version of the contents of this page click here: Printable Information Sheet
Download the appropriate internship application here: High School | College