In the language of music: Forte=Loud
In the language of music: Forte=Loud
Can you imagine a forest where only the birds with the prettiest voices would sing? What if all the other birds were too shy? Or had been told they weren’t talented enough? What if bird society made them feel as if they should be embarrassed to sing and dance as adults if they weren’t great at it?
This would be absurd, right?
Why then, do we do this as humans? Children have an innate ability (and usually a desire) to sing, dance, run, skip, twirl, jump, and play. Yet, as a society we are all too often teaching children that they should sit still, be quiet, and do as they are told.
This, unfortunately, is leading to a very quiet forest. A world where children aren’t singing and dancing as they should. A time where children are forgetting how to create their own ideas and use their imaginations way too early in life. An age where society makes us feel like we should only use our talents if we are the best in our field, the cream of the crop.
Join me in making our forest loud again! Let’s raise creative, confident, and outgoing children who aren’t afraid to use their talents, no matter what size. Let’s hope for children who grow up to be adults who sing Happy Birthday loud and proud at every party. Who aren’t afraid to clap along at church or dance at their daughter’s wedding. Young adults who are willing to think outside the box and create the stories, music, inventions, and technology of the future. People who are equipped with the skills and confidence it takes to write their own life’s story.
© Copyright 2018 Forte Forest Music Education
Website Management by <a href="">Justin Watson</a>