The Camp Granada curriculum integrates arts and classroom objectives into a music curriculum that fosters creativity and musical exploration. Activities include singing, playing instruments, movement, listening, music literacy, and summer-camp style games and activities that continue to expose students to content and skills from the day’s lessons. The week concludes with a student performance of the music and skills that have been developed through the week.
Approximate Daily Schedule
8:45 – 9:00 Pre-Session
9:00 – 9:20 Welcome Session
9:30 – 10:10 Break Out Session 1
10:20 – 11:00 Break Out Session 2
11:10 – 11:50 Break Out Session 3
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 1:00 Camper Showcase
1:00 – 1:45 Game Time
1:45 – 2:00 Coda Session
2:00 Dismissal
Pre-Session: Organized board games, card games, coloring sheets, or other low-key activities to welcome children to camp, and allow for interaction among campers and between campers and staff.
Break-Out Sessions: The primary instructional sessions where most music content is learned, and students rehearse materials for the Closing Ceremony. Campers are divided by age-group and rotate through two to three stations: Basics (instruments and music concepts); Connections (arts, crafts, movement); and Singing.
Camper Showcase: Many children are involved in piano, voice, dance, or other lessons. The Camper Showcase is an optional opportunity for campers to perform for their friends in a low-stress, no-competition environment. Camp staff or guest artists are also encouraged to perform.
Afternoon Game Time: Afternoon games are kinesthetic and energetic, and incorporate musical skills and concepts from the morning lessons. Campers are grouped by teams where each team has an equal number of younger and older campers. Teams earn points through sportsmanship and winning games.
Coda Session: A time for any announcements campers may need to know for the following day. Campers should also clean-up, gather personal items, and prepare for dismissal.